Treatment Herbs Liver Cancer AcupunctureTreatment Herbs Liver Cancer AcupunctureTreatment Herbs Liver Cancer AcupunctureTreatment Herbs Liver Cancer Acupuncture
Treatment Acne Acupuncture Herbs

"Acupuncture point was the point inside the body paramount importance human body . This point can not see by our eyes,but it was using the point to determine the level health of a person.Method pressing, squeeze, rub, fire or insertion at this point get treat variety of diseases undergo by the patient."

Treatment Herbs Liver Cancer Acupuncture

ACNE Treatment Herbs Liver Cancer Acupuncture
ALZHEIMER Treatment Herbs Liver Cancer Acupuncture
BLADDER CANCER Treatment Herbs Liver Cancer Acupuncture
BREAST CANCER Treatment Herbs Liver Cancer Acupuncture
DIABETES Treatment Herbs Liver Cancer Acupuncture
EPILEPSY Treatment Herbs Liver Cancer Acupuncture
IMPOTENCY Treatment Herbs Liver Cancer Acupuncture
LIVER CANCER Treatment Herbs Liver Cancer Acupuncture
LUNG Treatment Herbs Liver Cancer Acupuncture
PARKINSON Treatment Herbs Liver Cancer Acupuncture
RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS Treatment Herbs Liver Cancer Acupuncture
SHINGLES Treatment Herbs Liver Cancer Acupuncture
STROKE Treatment Herbs Liver Cancer Acupuncture
PANCREATIC CANCER Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
VIRUS HERBS Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
IMMUNE SYSTEM HERBS Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
FERTILITY ACUPUNCTURE Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
CANCER HERBAL TREATMENT Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
CANCER TREATMENT HERBS Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
ECZEMA HERBS Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
ECZEMA ONLINE Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
COVID 19 ONLINE HERBS Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
CORONAVIRUS ONLINE HERBS Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
COVID FERTILITY Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
COVID TINNITUS Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
COVID BREATHING Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
HERBS COVID Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
LIVER TUMOR Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
LONG COVID ASTHMA Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
LONG COVID COPD Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
LONG COVID FATIGUE Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
LONG COVID IMMUNE SYSTEM Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
LONG COVID LUNG CANCER Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
LONG COVID NASOPHARYNX Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
LONG COVID SLEEP DISORDER Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
LONG COVID Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
LONG COVID SPIKE PROTEIN Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
LUNG FIBROSIS Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
ONLINE HERBS Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
PARKINSON'S HERBS Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
SPIKE PROTEIN ALZHEIMERS Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
SPIKE PROTEIN ENDOMETRIOSIS Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
SPIKE PROTEIN PSA Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
SPIKE PROTEIN STROKE Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture
THETOLE HEART Treatment Herbs Bladder Cancer Acupuncture

Any question related Liver Cancer Email HERE

Neuro Acupuncture Herbal Treatment

Slipped Disc, Backache

Liver Cancer, Heat Stroke

Acne Herbs

Infertility and Concieving problem

Lower Abdomen Pain in Women

Leukaemia and blood cancer problem

Aplastic anaemia , Blood's Yin Deeficiency, Purpura


Alcoholic Liver

Allergic, Eczema


Adrenal glands, Adrenal adenomas,Hypoadrenalism (underactivity of the adrenal glands)Male manopause and impotence

Chronic pancreatitis, High cholesterol level (hypercholesterolaemia)

Sjogren's syndrome


Treatment Herbs Liver Cancer AcupunctureTreatment Herbs Liver Cancer Acupuncture


Cure Kl Cure Malaysia



Apakah kanser itu?

Kanser hati (karsinoma hepatoselular) adalah kanser yang timbul daripada hati. Ia juga dikenali sebagai kanser hati primer atau hepatoma. Hati terdiri daripada jenis sel yang berbeza (cth., saluran hempedu, saluran darah, dan sel penyimpan lemak). Walau bagaimanapun, sel hati (hepatosit) membentuk 80% daripada tisu hati. Oleh itu, majoriti kanser hati primer (lebih 90 hingga 95%) timbul daripada sel hati dan dipanggil kanser hepatoselular atau karsinoma.

Walau bagaimanapun, apabila pesakit atau pakar perubatan bercakap tentang kanser hati, mereka sering merujuk kepada kanser yang telah merebak ke hati, yang berasal dari organ lain (seperti kolon, perut, pankreas, payudara dan paru-paru). Secara lebih khusus, kanser hati jenis ini dipanggil penyakit hati metastatik (kanser) atau kanser hati sekunder. Oleh itu, istilah kanser hati sebenarnya boleh merujuk kepada kanser hati metastatik atau kanser hepatoselular. Subjek artikel ini ialah karsinoma hepatoselular, yang akan saya rujuk sebagai kanser hati.


Kanser telah merebak melalui sebahagian besar hati atau ke bahagian lain badan, namakan kanser sekunder.


     Penyakit berulang bermaksud kanser telah kembali (berulang) selepas dibedah. Ia mungkin kembali ke dalam hati atau di bahagian lain badan.

Bagaimana kanser hati primer dewasa dirawat

Terdapat rawatan untuk semua pesakit dengan kanser hati primer dewasa. Pelbagai jenis rawatan digunakan:

1-pembedahan (membuang kanser dalam pembedahan)
2-terapi sinaran (menggunakan x-ray dos tinggi untuk membunuh sel kanser)
3-kemoterapi (menggunakan ubat untuk membunuh sel kanser)

     Pembedahan boleh digunakan untuk membuang kanser atau menggantikan hati. Reseksi hati mengeluarkan bahagian hati di mana kanser ditemui. Pemindahan hati ialah penyingkiran keseluruhan hati dan penggantian dengan hati yang sihat yang didermakan daripada orang lain. Sangat sedikit pesakit kanser hati yang layak untuk prosedur ini dan ingat risikonya agak tinggi. Selepas kesan dan penolakan masih dalam kajian.

     Sinaran mungkin datang daripada mesin di luar badan (terapi sinaran rasuk luaran) atau daripada meletakkan bahan yang mengandungi sinaran melalui tiub plastik nipis (terapi sinaran dalaman) di kawasan di mana sel kanser ditemui. Dadah boleh diberikan bersama terapi sinaran untuk menjadikan sel kanser lebih sensitif kepada sinaran (radiosensitisasi).

     Sinaran juga boleh diberikan dengan melekatkan bahan radioaktif pada antibodi (antibodi berlabel radio) yang mencari sel-sel tertentu dalam hati. Antibodi dibuat oleh badan untuk melawan kuman dan benda berbahaya yang lain; setiap antibodi melawan sel-sel tertentu. Kesan sampingan boleh menjadi sangat drastik tetapi boleh dikawal oleh akupunktur dan ubat herba.

     Kemoterapi ialah penggunaan ubat untuk membunuh sel kanser. Kemoterapi untuk kanser hati biasanya dimasukkan ke dalam badan dengan memasukkan jarum ke dalam vena atau arteri. Kemoterapi jenis ini dipanggil rawatan sistemik kerana ubat itu memasuki aliran darah, bergerak melalui badan, dan boleh membunuh sel-sel kanser di luar hati. Dalam jenis kemoterapi lain yang dipanggil kemoterapi serantau, pam kecil yang mengandungi ubat diletakkan di dalam badan. Pam meletakkan ubat terus ke dalam saluran darah yang pergi ke tumor.

     Kemoembolisasi arteri hepatik melibatkan penyekatan arteri hepatik (arteri utama yang membekalkan darah ke hati) dan kemudian menyuntik ubat kemoterapi antara penyumbatan dan hati, menggunakan arteri hati untuk menyampaikan kemoterapi ke seluruh hati. Terdapat kesan sampingan yang sangat drastik seperti kehilangan rambut, menjadi sangat tayar dan kering dan lain-lain, dan lain-lain. Ini boleh dikurangkan dan dinormalkan dengan akupunktur dan ubat herba.

     Jika doktor membuang semua kanser yang boleh dilihat semasa pembedahan, pesakit mungkin diberi kemoterapi selepas pembedahan untuk membunuh mana-mana sel yang tinggal. Kemoterapi yang diberikan selepas pembedahan untuk membuang kanser dipanggil kemoterapi adjuvant.

     Hipertermia (memanaskan badan untuk membunuh sel kanser) dan terapi biologi (menggunakan sistem imun badan untuk melawan kanser) sedang diuji dalam ujian klinikal. Sarjana Cina sedang memuktamadkan kajian ini dalam bidang herba dan akupunktur.

     Terapi hipertermia ialah penggunaan mesin khas untuk memanaskan badan untuk tempoh masa tertentu untuk membunuh sel-sel kanser. Oleh kerana sel kanser selalunya lebih sensitif kepada haba berbanding sel normal, sel kanser mati dan tumor mengecut.

.Rawatan mengikut peringkat

     Rawatan untuk kanser hati primer dewasa bergantung pada peringkat penyakit, keadaan hati, dan umur pesakit dan kesihatan umum. Rawatan standard boleh dipertimbangkan, berdasarkan keberkesanannya pada pesakit dalam kajian lepas, atau penyertaan dalam percubaan klinikal. Ramai pesakit tidak sembuh dengan terapi standard, dan beberapa rawatan standard mungkin mempunyai lebih banyak kesan sampingan daripada yang diingini. Atas sebab ini, ujian klinikal direka untuk mencari cara yang lebih baik untuk merawat pesakit kanser dan berdasarkan maklumat terkini.



     Rawatan kanser hati primer dewasa lanjut bergantung pada rawatan yang telah diterima oleh pesakit, bahagian badan tempat kanser itu kembali, sama ada hati mempunyai sirosis, dan faktor lain.


     Rawatan kanser hati primer dewasa yang berulang bergantung pada rawatan yang telah diterima oleh pesakit, bahagian badan tempat kanser itu kembali, sama ada hati mempunyai sirosis, dan faktor lain. Kesimpulannya kadar kami untuk merawat kanser hati telah mencapai tahap yang luar biasa sehingga tidak banyak universiti barat boleh percaya.


Kedai Dalam Talian :

Perundingan Dalam Talian :


Ketahui lebih lanjut Jenis-jenis Kanser di sini.


File No: 2332

Mr. Soon went for operation end of March 2009 for liver cancer. During the operation, 2/3 of his liver was removed and remaining 1/3 stop had functioning. After the operation, his waistline increase by 300% because water cannot flow out from his body. During this time, he also had difficulty in breathing, bedridden and in a semi-coma state. Without any antibiotics and painkillers prescribed, he was asked to go home. For his family, there was no hope at all as they are prepared for the worse.

On the same night, all his brothers and sisters from Malaysia took herbs from The TOLE and drove down to Singapore. After medication, he could sit up and stand up. After 3 weeks of medication, he has decided to come to Kuala Lumpur to seek intensive treatment at The TOLE.

On 11 June 2009, he finally came to KL. Upon arrival, he is starting to feel dizzy, nausea, tired and his left ear cannot hear. He was advised to come for acupuncture 3 times per week and consume 2 times of herbs medication everyday for the next 3 months. Mr. Soon’s final visit to The TOLE was on the 5th Sept 2009 whereby he has recovered and he went back to Singapore. After resting for another 2 months, Mr. Soon went back to work.

Exactly 1 year after his operation, he went back to the same hospital in Singapore for a medical checkup. The report indicates that he is now free from cancer. Despite being free from cancer, the hospital says that he must do chemotherapy. He later contacted The TOLE to seek Master’s opinion on the chemotherapy treatment. Master is strongly against chemotherapy and told him that it would be very disadvantage to his whole body and may risk his life by doing chemotherapy.

Although Mr. Soon was against doing chemotherapy, he was threaten by the hospital saying that if he doesn’t do chemotherapy, cancer MAY come back. He took their advice and took chemotherapy. Mr. Soon was tortured like everybody else due to the side effects of chemotherapy and called Master for help. But he still continued and finishing the chemotherapy treatment cycle.

On 9th March 2010, Mr. Soon came back to KL to see Master for help due to deteriorating condition. Master told him that this time, it will be very difficult. He took treatment till 23 March 2010 and Master sent him back to Singapore. Soon after, he passed away. "Thanks to Chemotherapy".


Treatment Herbs Liver Cancer Acupuncture


Liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma) is a cancer arising from the liver. It is also known as primary liver cancer or hepatoma.


The liver is made up of different cell types (e.g., bile ducts, blood vessels, and fat-storing cells).


When patients or physicians speak of liver cancer, however, they are often referring to cancer that has spread to the liver, having originated in other organs (such as the colon, stomach, pancreas, breast, and lung).


Treatment Herbs Liver Cancer Acupuncture



The Star Newspaper (Malaysia)

"Neuro-acupuncture, a branch of acupuncture that claims can improve symptoms in children having conditions such as autism, attention deficit disorder, learning disabilities, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and cerebral palsy." - A well-known acupuncturist and herbalist in Kuala Lumpur.

Neuro Acupuncture Herbal Treatment Cure

Epilepsy Treatment

Autistic Acupuncture and herbal treatment

Migraine Acupuncture herbal treatment

Backache Lumbago slipped -disc herbal treatment

Bladder, Breast Cancer

Arthritis Herbs

Stroke Treatment

Cancer Treatment with Neuro Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine, Lung Preventition, Breast Enlargement

Alzheimer's early treatment and cure

Eczema Cure

List Of A-Z Treatment

CP Kids, Autistic AcupunctureTreatment, Autism Associations

Acupuncture Treatment for Cancer and Other diseases

Acupuncture Treatment for Stroke

Acupuncture pfeifferherbs Treatment Kuala Lumpur, Infant complications ,water in the brain, Brain Problem at birth

Versi Bahasa Malaysia- Akupunktur Rawatan Akar Kayu Cina

Alcoholicliver Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment

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Women cure, women herbs cure,women Acupuncture and Herbal Treatment

Women malaysia, women herbs, women herbal malaysia,women acupuncture malaysia and Herbal Treatment

Women alternative treatment, women alternative acupuncture and Herbal Treatment

Women medical centre, medical centre for women problem,Herbal Treatment, Women's Site

Migraine Treatment

Autism Autistic Treatment

Spastic Kids Treatment Acupuncture

Acupuncture And Herbal Treatment Acupuncture

Autism Treatment

Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment




Acupuncture & Herbal Treatment