ECZEMA HERBS Eczema can occur because of the toxic in blood, the toxic in liver, or the toxic in spleen. But, in some cases, eczema can also be caused by the allergies in skin sensitivity itself. Therefore, the purpose of the acupuncture treatment is to smooth out the immune system and detoxing whichever organ that is affected. Rashes first appear only at the site of skin contact with the allergen. Later it often spreads out and may involve skin well away from the contact site. This is because the immune cells become activated and migrate out through the bloodstream to other parts of the body. When allergic contact eczema is suspected, it can therefore be important to remember where it first started when taking the medical history behind the development of a rash finding the cause. Sometimes the cause and effect relationship is obvious, with a red scaly reaction around an earring or under a watch strap. At other times, especially if a long time has passed since the initial exposure and sensitisation, it can be impossible to identified contact allergic from other types of eczema. It may also be difficulties distinguishing allergic contact eczema (which is an immune response) from irritant eczema (which is a direct skin reaction against an irritant substance). In practice, this difference is not so important because the same lines of treatment are required for both. In the food industry a wide variety of foods are known to potentially cause skin reactions. These include:
Treatment It can be treated with Chinese Master's NEURO Acupuncture and special herbal medicine for most kind of allergy contact eczema. The lenght of treatment depends on the induvidual patients of others organ's Qi lever and the severe of the attack. WikiTole: https://thetole.org/wikitole/ Online Shop : www.thetole.org/shop Online Consultation : www.thetole.org/shop/consultation/